FLIPTIPS: Master the Sportwatch

FLIPTIPS: Master the Sportwatch

Recovery & Comfort Tips for Thrivers Reading FLIPTIPS: Master the Sportwatch 2 minutes

Prepare yourself for the most surprising flip of all! 

Being able to easily access your sport watch on the go is important. Whether you prefer the Garmin, the Apple Ultra or other sport watch, nobody wants to wrestle with clothes just to see if they are on the right pace, adjust their music, or check the time. And you don't want to sacrifice measuring your heart rate by wearing them over your clothes. 

In one way, FLIPMITS already solves the problem. With older style shirts with thumbholes build in was the problem. By seperating your hand covering from the sleeve, you leave a natural space for your watch. BUT, sometimes your winter running clothes get to bulky. And that is where the hack comes in. Watch the video below for the demonstration, or read on for the description. 

The hack: Flip (or fold) over your cuff just below the label. It folds nice an flat leaving you a gap for your watch. Plus it looks pretty cool too. Sometimes we also were the gloves like this on hot days for managing sweat.